On 16.08.2022 20:28, Zhang, Xueqiong wrote:
Hi all,

  I got this comment from our CRAN package reviewer ( blue content below) , but I am not sure how to fix it ?

 If I put @example in source .R with \donttest then I lose the example run; if without \donttest then the CPU time will exceed 5 sec.  I already do have examples in vignettes.  Do I need add test calls in other place/script?

Well, ideally you have short examples so that users see quickly how your function can be called. Ideally examples take less than 5 sec., becuase users are typically not very patient when runningn exmaples from help pages.

If your examples are lengthy we ask you to put them in \donttest{} but try to provide short ones in addition to the lengthy ones (rather provide some tiny toy data, use few iterations etc)

If all ends up in \donttest{}, no vignette runtime code and no tests, your packages won't have any code executed at runtime which is of course a vey bad idea. SAo we ask to provide tests in case you do not provide examples that get auto-executed during the checks. In vignettes we typically see a workflow tested, but not all functionality of the package, and frequently only subseta of provided functions get executed in vignettes...

Uwe Ligges




Putting the lengthy examples in \donttest is correct. However, it would
be great if you either could write shorter toy examples or if not
possible at least write some test so that we can check the functionality
of your functions.

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