On Sat, 7 Jan 2023 15:02:18 +0700
Thierry Denoeux <thierry.deno...@utc.fr> wrote:

> The NEWS file is a text file created by TextEdit on Mac with UTF-8
> encoding, so I don’t see how there could be hidden special characters
> in it.

The problem is that the NEWS files are supposed to have a certain
format (documented in help(news)). For a long time, this hasn't been
enforced, but now there are checks in place that require NEWS to be
written to specifications.

I think that your line can be transformed as follows in order to parse

Changes in version 2.0.0

 * Implementation of radial basis function neural network classifiers,
   as well as functions to express the outputs of trained logistic
   regression or feed-forward neural network classifiers as
   Dempster-Shafer mass functions. These methods are based on an
   interpretation of the operations performed in neural networks as the
   combination of weights of evidence by Dempster's rule (see: "T.
   Denoeux, Logistic Regression, Neural Networks and Dempster-Shafer
   Theory: a New Perspective. Knowledge-Based Systems 176:54-67, 2019").

You can also write an inst/NEWS.Rd file in Rd format.

As you can see from reading ?news, it is preferred to provide a
bulleted list of the changes.

Best regards,

R-package-devel@r-project.org mailing list

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