
I submitted my USA.state.boundaries package on 6 January 2023 and Uwe responded back letting me know that it was over the 5 MB CRAN threshold. I responded back to Uwe letting him know that as of that date there were 52 CRAN packages over 5 MB. As of today (29 January 2023), there are actually 53 CRAN packages over 5 MB.

As I heard no response back from Uwe, I re-submitted my USA.state.boundaries package on 12 January and 21 January. As of today, I have not heard any response back from Uwe or any other CRAN team volunteer.

There are 2 questions:

1) How long should it take to receive a response back from a CRAN team volunteer after a manual inspection of a CRAN package?

2) Why has my package been denied acceptance to CRAN while a new package over 5 MB has been allowed to be hosted on CRAN recently?

Thank you in advance.

Irucka Embry

No fear, Only Love! / ¡No temas, solamente amor!
-Irucka Ajani Embry, 15 March 2020

Family Partners:


The business collaboration between EConsulting (tm)
[] and EcoC^2S, is Getting Back to Nature.

Getting Back to Nature LocalHarvest --
Getting Back to Nature --

-- Irucka and his twin brother, Obiora, are featured in the Middle
Tennessee Local Table Magazine Annual issue. The article discusses their
family farm history and the current work that they are doing under Getting Back to Nature. The full magazine can be found here [the article begins on
page 18 of the PDF document]:

-- Obiora and Irucka were interviewed separately in early 2020 for the
Natural Resources Defense Council's (NRDC) "Regenerative Agriculture: Farm Policy for the 21st Century: Policy Recommendations to Advance Regenerative
Agriculture" report written By Arohi Sharma, Lara Bryant, and Ellen Lee.
The PDF report is available below:

EcoC2S --
Principal, Irucka Embry, EIT

Growing Food
Healthy Living Mentor
Data Analysis with R
R Training
Chemistry and Mathematics Tutoring
Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) Consultation

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