You have two choices:

* put LICENSE in your .Rbuildignore file so that it shows up on Github but is excluded from the package

* follow the instructions in to refer to LICENSE in your DESCRIPTION file. However, CRAN generally prefers that you use a standard license ("GPL-2", "GPL-3"), to make it easier for them to know that you've really complied with their openness requirements, and that you *not* include a license file that is redundant with that spec:

> Whereas you should feel free to include a license file in your source distribution, please do not arrange to install yet another copy of the GNU COPYING or COPYING.LIB files but refer to the copies on and included in the R distribution (in directory share/licenses). Since files named LICENSE or LICENCE will be installed, do not use these names for standard license files. To include comments about the licensing rather than the body of a license, use a file named something like LICENSE.note.

On 2023-08-09 11:06 a.m., Emanuele Cordano wrote:
Dear list,

is there a way to put the LICENSE file within an R package like in Github,
I have an R package on Github with a a LICENSE file compliant to Github and
containing the text of the licence citing in the DESCRIPION file. But when
I check the package , I obatained the following output:

* checking top-level files ... NOTE

is not mentioned in the DESCRIPTION file.

How can I solve this?
Thank you
Emanuele Cordano

Dr. Benjamin Bolker
Professor, Mathematics & Statistics and Biology, McMaster University
Director, School of Computational Science and Engineering
(Acting) Graduate chair, Mathematics & Statistics
> E-mail is sent at my convenience; I don't expect replies outside of working hours.

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