On Thu, 25 Jan 2024 at 10:13, Colin Gillespie <csgilles...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I've had two emails from users in the last 24 hours about malware
> around one of my vignettes. A snippet from the last user is:
> ---
> I was trying to install a R package that depends on PowerRLaw two
> weeks ago.  However my virus protection software F secure did not
> allow me to install it from CRAN, while installation from GitHub
> worked normally. Virus protection software claimed that
> d_jss_paper.pdf is compromised. I asked about this from our IT support
> and they asked it from the company F secure. Now F secure has analysed
> the file and according them it is malware.
> “Upon analyzing, our analysis indicates that the file you submitted is
> malicious. Hence the verdict will remain


According to the sandboxed analysis, there's something there trying to
tamper with the Acrobat installation. It tries several Windows paths.
That's not good.

The good news is that, if I recreate the vignette from your repo, the
file is different, different hash, and it's clean.

The bad news is that... this means that CRAN may be compromised. I
urge CRAN maintainers to check all the PDF vignettes and scan the
Windows machines for viruses.


> ---
> Other information is:
>  * Package in question:
> https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/poweRlaw/index.html
>  * Package hasn't been updated for three years
>  * Vignette in question:
> https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/poweRlaw/vignettes/d_jss_paper.pdf
> CRAN asked me to fix
> https://cran.r-project.org/web/checks/check_results_poweRlaw.html a
> couple of days ago - which I'm in the process of doing.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks
> Colin
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