On Sun, 19 May 2024 09:52:08 +0000
Daniel Kelley <kel...@dal.ca> wrote:

> In answer to the question about tidy version on macOS, I have the
> latest version of that OS (Sonoma 14.5 release 23F79 -- a beta
> release, unless the official has caught up in recent days) and I get
> as follows.

> $  ~ /usr/bin/tidy --version
> HTML Tidy for Mac OS X released on 31 October 2006 - Apple Inc. build
> 9576

Thank you for providing the output! R CMD check only knows about "Apple
Inc. build 2649" (not 9576) being old, which must be why the spurious
NOTEs appeared on Zeinab's computer.

Submitted the updated patch at

> The second one is from the homebrew project, and that's
> what gets used by default on my machine.  I don't know which of these
> R would be using, but I could check that if required (and if provided
> a hint on how to invoke R to tell me).

I would expect Sys.which(Sys.getenv("R_TIDYCMD", "tidy")) to point to
the new version in /usr/local/bin/.

Best regards,

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