Dear R users.

I'm pleased to announce the release of *SCperf*  1.1.1  and *bullwhipgame*
packages on CRAN.

The *SCperf* package implements functions for planning and managing
Inventories in a Supply Chain:

And the *bullwhipgame* is a  shiny app demo of the bullwhip effect,  the
increase in demand variability along the supply chain. This educational
game seeks  to present the dynamics of the distribution of a product and to
show typical problems arising from a non-coordinated system:

The *bullwhipgame* app has been developed to substitute some related
functions (now deprecated) from the *SCperf* package and it is still in
development.  Comments, suggestions, bug report or just want to contribute
to the project please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards,

Marlene Marchena

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