Hi Thomas,

On 2 May 2018 at 22:27, Thomas Friedrichsmeier wrote:
| Dear R debian maintainers!
| As maintainer of rkward, I will be affected by the "r-base-3.5"
| transition. Could you help me by answering the following two questions?
| 1) Is there any (upper / lower) time estimate on when 3.5.0 will enter
| sid? I have at least one somewhat-important-but-easy-to-fix-issue
| pending for rkward. So far I figured I would delay this until R 3.5.0
| has entered sid, and I need to make a new upload, anyway. Now I'm
| starting to wonder, how much delay that will actually mean.

I think nobody really knows. We discussed this a little in the debian-r list,
and it now depends on the release team who are managing the transition.

It may well be weeks.
| 2) In principle, rkward will build fine for anything from R 3.0.0
| upwards, and it is not hard to support this in the debian packaging
| (with appropriate deps, of course). I am wondering, whether or not this
| is a good idea wrt to the transition, though. Should I make my next
| upload build-depend on r-base-core >= 3.5.0, or should I keep it
| flexible?

I think for the _source code in the repo_ I would keep flexible. But for
_binary_ packages in Debian unstable I usually set the R version used.


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