
I think your question is simpler than the suggestions of NMDS. One approach, let's say you dissimilarity matrix is called demodis

> demodis2 <- as.matrix(demodis)   # make a full matrix copy
> is.na(diag(demodis2)) <- TRUE    # ignore the dissimilarity of a
                                   # plot to itself
> apply(as.matrix(demodis),1,mean) # calcualte the mean dissimilarity
                                   # of every plot to the others

This is all done as part of function disana() in package labdsv along with some other simple dissimilarity analyses.

Dave Roberts

On 11/23/2010 01:09 PM, Pekin, Burak K wrote:
Hello, I want to rank the dissimilarity of sites based on their species 
composition. For example, I would like to be able to say that site A is less 
similar in composition to the other sites than site B is similar to the other 
sites. I could do a cluster analysis and look at which sites are less closely 

It would be even better if I could come up with a quantitative scale rather 
than a relative ranking that would give a value for each site based on its 
relative dissimilarity to the rest of the sites. So site A might receive a 90 
out of 100, whereas site B and C might receive a 60 and a 50 indicating the 
rank as well as 'relative quantity' of dissimilarity for each site.



Burak K. Pekin, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Purdue University

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