I've done a standard two way ANOVA using glm on the dependent variable "clutchsize" with the two factors "treatment" (which has 3 levels called 1, 2, and 3) and "species" (which has two levels called 1 and 2). Apparently there is no significant interaction term. Then I did Tukey's HSD and found that there were significant differences between species at only one of the three treatment levels, treatment level 1. Are these in fact conflicting results?

                   Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(>F)
treatment           1  29.26  29.264  7.0230  0.00884 **
species             1 138.14 138.143 33.1526 4.13e-08 ***
treatment:species   1   8.11   8.110  1.9464  0.16487
Residuals         163 679.20   4.167
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

  Tukey multiple comparisons of means
    95% family-wise confidence level

Fit: aov(formula = clutchsize ~ treatment * species)

          diff        lwr       upr     p adj
2-1  1.3245614  0.4184292 2.2306936 0.0020030
3-1  1.0416667  0.1316071 1.9517262 0.0204117
3-2 -0.2828947 -1.1806793 0.6148899 0.7368331

        diff       lwr       upr p adj
2-1 -1.89988 -2.544747 -1.255013     0

              diff         lwr        upr     p adj
2:1-1:1  1.1791506 -0.19269072  2.5509919 0.1364846
3:1-1:1  0.6476190 -0.73345324  2.0286913 0.7550479
1:2-1:1 -2.4225564 -4.08045729 -0.7646555 0.0005858
2:2-1:1 -0.8357143 -2.46652980  0.7951012 0.6787094
3:2-1:1 -0.6357143 -2.26652980  0.9951012 0.8706501
3:1-2:1 -0.5315315 -1.89354633  0.8304833 0.8701101
1:2-2:1 -3.6017070 -5.24376636 -1.9596476 0.0000000
2:2-2:1 -2.0148649 -3.62957317 -0.4001566 0.0055886
3:2-2:1 -1.8148649 -3.42957317 -0.2001566 0.0177862
1:2-3:1 -3.0701754 -4.71995456 -1.4203963 0.0000041
2:2-3:1 -1.4833333 -3.10589150  0.1392248 0.0944158
3:2-3:1 -1.2833333 -2.90589150  0.3392248 0.2077935
2:2-1:2  1.5868421 -0.27701672  3.4507009 0.1438444
3:2-1:2  1.7868421 -0.07701672  3.6507009 0.0684872
3:2-2:2  0.2000000 -1.63980803  2.0398080 0.9995894

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