On 22/01/2013, at 08:09 AM, <ecology_questi...@yahoo.co.jp>
> I have been carried out a ordination programm, which is db-RDA based on 
> package "vagan". I could show the ordination figure. However, I do not find 
> how X and Y values of the respective plots and of arrows of the respective 
> environmental variables were taken. Please teach me the way(s) and 
> programm(s) to get the X and Y values.


They are extracted from the result object using scores() function. The scores() 
function is described together with the plot() function (see ?plot.cca, 
?scores.cca). The raw scores can be found from the result object (see 
?cca.object), but scores() also scales results as requested (argument 

HTH, オクサネ槍

Jari Oksanen, Dept Biology, Univ Oulu, 90014 Finland

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