Hi Bruce,

On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 3:06 PM, Bruce Miller <batsnc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Anyone experienced with vegan, or possibly other R packages for ecological
> data?
> I am working with a database that includes relative abundance data that can
> be exported as densities by locations or date and summered by night as these
> are bats.  So the question is the data format needed to generate rarefaction
> curves, species association metrics, diversity indices and the rest of the
> usual ecological analytics in vegan or other R packages that include
> ecological data processing.

Have you tried working through the documentation (including vignettes)
for the analyses you're interested in? There are extensive worked
examples that include sample datasets.

That's probably the best place for you to start. Once you have a
clearer idea of what you need, we can help with specific questions,
but this is rather general for anyone else to be able to answer.

> Once I have the output from the Access DB defined I can automate generation
> of the files to open in R and run the required modules.
> Anyone able to provide some suggestions/guidance?   I need to create the
> export form in Access so that all is in the correct format to be opened in R
> and the DF is correct for eh package(s).
> Once processed by vegan etc. then write the results to a file.

All of that is entirely possible.


Sarah Goslee

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