Dear Edwin,

Your first approach is correct. Since confidence intervals strongly 
related to one-sample tests, you can use one-sample t-test if you want 
p-values. Someone may suggest built-in function for this, but you can 
calculate it easily without such function.

Here is an example:

# creating data, the intercept is zero, the slope is 1.2

# plotting the data

# fitting linear equation

# for test we need the slope and its standard error
# we can get both from the summary

# the last steps: calculating t-value and probability of type I error

Best regards,


2013.06.12. 13:46 keltezéssel, Pos, E.T. írta:
> Dear all,
> I'm having trouble with something that I presume is foolishly easy.
> I have a linear model with a slope slightly higher than the slope of y=x. Now 
> I wish to test if the slope of this lm is actually significantly different 
> from the slope of y=x (i.e. 1)
> One option to do this obviously is testing whether 1 falls within the 95% 
> confidence interval of the original lm. I've done this and it gives me an 
> indication but I would like a hard p-value for testing this significance. The 
> problem I run into is that I don't know how to test for the significance of 
> this difference between the slope of my lm and the line y=x.
> Thus far:
> Method #1
> data1.y = "some data"
> data1.x = "some more data"
> data1 = lm(data1.y~data1.x)
> abline(data1, col = "red", lwd = 2) #draw a line through the regression
> abline(a = 0, b = 1)                    # which gives me the line for x=y but 
> this doesn't work for ANOVA but is nicely ilustrative
> #Check the 95% confidence interval
> confint(data1)
> Method #2
> # I used offset because I found that on the mailinglist in the archives but 
> I'm not sure why this would indicate the difference is significant from the 
> slope y=x? Any suggestions?
> data1.y = "some data"
> data1.x = "some more data"
> data1 = lm(data1.y~data1.x)
> data1.offset = lm(data1.y~data1.x+offset(data1.x))
> summary(data1.offset) #then check if the slope is significantly different 
> from 1
> But I'm not convinced that method number 2 gives me the correct answer. Any 
> idea's here?
> Thanks a lot,
> Edwin.
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Botta-Dukát Zoltán
Ökológiai és Botanikai Intézet
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Zoltán BOTTA-Dukát
Institute of Ecology and Botany
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
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