Hi everyone,

Here is the thing, I have a fairly large dataset with 10 variables:

     idnr name   UTC_DATE day month year UTC_TIME    east   north
1 L-03140 Alma 10/10/2008  10    10 2008 20:01:26 1601477 7472106
10/10/2008 20:01:26
2 L-03140 Alma 11/10/2008  11    10 2008 02:00:50 1600108 7470450
11/10/2008 02:00:50
3 L-03140 Alma 11/10/2008  11    10 2008 11:00:48 1600228 7469404
11/10/2008 11:00:48
4 L-03140 Alma 11/10/2008  11    10 2008 20:00:57 1601678 7463278
11/10/2008 20:00:57
5 L-03140 Alma 12/10/2008  12    10 2008 02:00:44 1602073 7454900
12/10/2008 02:00:44
6 L-03140 Alma 12/10/2008  12    10 2008 11:00:41 1603221 7454431
12/10/2008 11:00:41

Total, there are 9 individuals; and I'd like to know if from such data it
is possible to estimate home ranges (HRs) for only an individual during a
chosen period (estimate of weekly HRs e.g.). Otherwise, the only other way
to do it would be through excel; but it takes a lot a time since I have
more than 40 000 relocations.

Thanks a lot, I spent a week trying to understand this function and how to
subsample but not successfully did it.


Dylann Kersusan
Master Biodiversity and Conservation
Zoology dept. Stockholm University
Grimsö Wildlife Research Center
Ecology dept. SLU

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