How to get prediction of classes in gam?
I have a problem with getting predicted classes from a gam-model using 
the gam function in the "mgcv"-package.
I have a dataset where I have classified the response variable into 5 
classes (i. e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and I want to use a gam-model generated on 
a training dataset (traindata) to predict the class beloning of data 
from a test-dataset (testdata) but I can't get it to work.

I generated the gam-model using:

When I then try to predict the class beloning of the test-dataset using:
I get results like this:

         2           4           6           7           9
-1.93680872  2.28422570  0.99747563  0.03627236  0.74235160

But I really want the results to look like this:

         2           4           6           7           9
        1           3           2           1           2

i.e. the predicted classes for the new samples.

Obviously I am doing something wrong and it is probably very simple to solve 
but I've got stuck on it for a while and would appreciate some help solving it.


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