Jonathan:  I wonder if your solution might be as simple as using one of
your model forms but allowing different intercepts for different plots by
modeling them as fixed effects (using a categorical variable for plot).
 This would allow your time series model (whatever specification you use)
to have different average levels.  This approach would require 11 df but it
seems like you might have sufficient n to part with a few more df.
 Remember, there almost always is a fixed effect counterpart to any random
effect specification, they just may use more df.  Indeed, I might model the
entire problem with fixed effects, using a linear time trend, perhaps
autoregressive lags, perhaps sine and cosine terms for the weekly
fluctuations, a categorical predictor for plots, interactions between the
categorical predictor for plots and all the terms related to time to allow
each plot to have different time series and to obtain an average across
plots within treatment, and then a categorical predictor for treatment.
 Just requires sufficient available df.


Brian S. Cade, PhD

U. S. Geological Survey
Fort Collins Science Center
2150 Centre Ave., Bldg. C
Fort Collins, CO  80526-8818

email: <>
tel:  970 226-9326

On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 8:34 AM, Henkelman, Jonathan <> wrote:

> Gavin,
> Welcome to the prairies...
> I think this thread is getting off track... a few comments on the
> autocorrelation model, then bringing it back to the question I was trying
> to ask:
> I agree completely that we *must* model the time-series because our
> readings are not independent and hence we are violating the assumptions of
> a standard model.  There is no clear deterministic trend to the temperature
> readings: we are only modelling summer temperature and the single arch of
> the season is lost in weekly stochasticity.  There is also no significant
> linear trend (p-value = 0.3).  As I state in my first paragraph I have
> modelled the summer trend with a gam as an alternative approach (highly
> significant with 9 df).  However, even the basic AR1 model gives cleaner
> residuals.  Also, as I mention in bullet 3, I have an ARMA(2,0) model
> working that does a better job of dealing with the autocorrelation (as
> shown by ACF); I will expand this model once the conceptual problems I
> presented are sorted out.
> The problems I have with modelling the summer temperatures as a
> deterministic effect (fixed effect, gam) are outlined in my previous post:
> it limits our inference (as per Zuur 327, although he is discussing a
> slightly different context); and whatever gam I come up with this year
> won't be consistent with next year, whereas an autocorrelation model will
> be.  I also think it is more ecologically valid. I can see there could be
> different points of view here however and debate is healthy.
> Coming back to what I see as the problem at hand...  I _have_ several
> models that adequately deal with the autocorrelation.  Normalized residuals
> for the AR1 model plotted through time are shown in Figure 2 (see end of
> paragraph)  However, residuals plotted against Plot# are shown in Figure 1.
>  I don't have (too much) of a problem with Figure 2 (although variance
> seems to be decreasing with time)... I do have a big problem with figure 1!
>  This is what I wanted to address in my new model -- a random intercept
> model to account for the different means (and variances) of the residuals
> in each plot.
> [My plots don't include in the posting so I've put them on the web:
> ]
> However, this model doesn't work! -- it runs, but gives no random effect
> (see original post for code and results...).  The residuals of this new
> model show an identical pattern to Figure 1.  Hence something is going
> wrong in the computation element within nlme::lme.  This is the question I
> wanted to address with this post.
> I was up examining Zuur last night and found a passing reference to this
> problem on page 160 "It may be an option to extend the model with the AR1
> correlation, with a random intercept on nest [a case which would correspond
> exactly to my scenario]. Such a model allows for the compound correlation
> between all observations from the same nest, and temporal correlation
> between observations from the same nest _and_ night.  *But the danger is
> that the random intercept and auto-correlation will fight with each other
> for the same information.* " [* are mine...] I think this is exactly what
> is happening: the two correlation specifications are fighting with each
> other and the mixed intercept is loosing.
> I have had many suggestions about other ways to model this dataset.  I
> have been and will continue to pursue these ideas (I'd also like to build a
> simple Baysian model as Zuur does in chapter 23 to deal with a similar
> problem).  However, I have not had anyone comment directly on my two main
> questions:
> 1) is this analysis doable or is nlme perhaps the wrong package?; and
> 2) Is this a reasonable question to ask?
> I think question 2) is answered given the citation above -- it is valid
> conceptually.  Perhaps nlme IS the wrong package, or there is a bug in nlme
> since the information _seems_ to be there -- can anyone comment on this.
>  But I do still wonder about suppostion 3: Is it valid to use a two-step
> approach: run a basic autocorrelation model to remove the autocorrelation
> effect (normalized residuals shown in Figs 1,2), then run a mixed intercept
> model on the residuals to deal with the nested structure (and also the
> heterogeneity between plots).  This runs, gives reasonable results that
> agree with the graphs, but is it statistically valid?
> Thanks,
> Jonathan
> ________________________________________
> From: Gavin Simpson []
> Sent: July 17, 2013 10:06 PM
> To: Henkelman, Jonathan
> Cc:; Johnstone, Jill
> Subject: Re: [R-sig-eco] Mixed effect (intercept) model with AR1
> autocorrelation structure
> On Wed, 2013-07-17 at 16:10 +0000, Henkelman, Jonathan wrote:
> > Perhaps I should clarify.  There is a time-series trend -- daily
> > temperature fluctuates randomly throughout the summer.  But there is
> > not a clear long-term signal.  I have modelled the time-series effect
> > using a gam to see if that can adequately compensate for the effect.
> > However, I believe this is a fundamentally flawed approach:
> >
> > 1) We are not interested in modelling the time-series; it merely is a
> > way of estimating the temperature response in plot.  That is, I don't
> > want to ask the question, can I predict the temperature given the
> > treatment and the date, but rather, is there a treatment effect.  My
> > inference ability is badly reduced if a model a gam.
> It is *irrelevant* whether you want to model the time series. You *must*
> model it either via the fixed effects or in the covariance matrix of the
> residuals.
> You have two options:
> 1) include a time effect (either linear or spline) plus possibly a
> simple time series model for the residuals (AR(1) would be a start).
> Your null would include the time effect thus you can assess the effect
> of Treatment relative to this null.
> 2) proceed as you did but use a much more complex ARMA model for the
> residuals. AR(1) is clearly inappropriate with such a high \phi
> estimate.
> Which is most useful will depend on the data; it sounds as if you don't
> have a deterministic trend as you seem to be describing a stochastic
> trend. However, I'd be very surprised if you didn't have a cyclic
> temperature effect with temperatures varying smoothly through the year
> in a seasonal signal/cycle, with noise superimposed. But I am just
> guessing.
> Perhaps start with the mixed effects and **no** correlation structure if
> you don't want to do 1). Extract the normalised residuals and look at
> the ACF and the PACF of these. That will help identify what order ARMA
> model might be needed. Then add the correlation structure with
> corARMA().
> I didn't notice you were at USask; I move to the UofR a few months ago.
> If it would help to discuss offlist, my UofR contact details are in the
> footer.
> G
> > 2) The current analysis is for a single season.  In a few years we
> > will be re-running this analysis of 5 years of data.  I do not expect
> > the random fluctuation in seasonal temperature will be the same each
> > year.  Hence, while this analysis sort of works now, it won't in the
> > future.  However, it seems reasonable to model the autocorrelation
> > effect within the time-series as constant through time.
> >
> > 3) When I look at the process of temperature I can say, yes today is
> > more likely to be similar to yesterday than the day before.  There is
> > autocorrelation and random fluctuation, hence it makes sense to model
> > it this way.  For the record, as simple AR1 model better account for
> > the seasonal fluctuation than a gam, and my ARMA(2,0) model does an
> > even better job.
> >
> > Hope this helps, J
> >
> --
> Gavin Simpson, PhD                          [t] +1 306 337 8863
> Adjunct Professor, Department of Biology    [f] +1 306 337 2410
> Institute of Environmental Change & Society [e]
> 523 Research and Innovation Centre          [tw] @ucfagls
> University of Regina
> Regina, SK S4S 0A2, Canada
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