Dear List,

I have some statistical issues with my metacommunity experiment. My  
design is the following:
Each metacommunity set consists of five patches, which are connected  
with tubes allowing for two dispersal rates (low and high) among these  
Furthermore, I have two different nutrient supply modes: uniform and  
My response variables are biovolume and species richness.

Now, I would like to test if biovolume (biov) is significant different  
among these patches as a function of the dispersal rates (low, high)  
and nutrient supply modes (uniform, heterogenous).
Therefore, I used a three-way ANVOA:
model1<-aov(biov~disp*treat*patch, data=loc28), where disp (=dispersal  
rate: low and high), treat (=nutrient supply: uniform and  
heterogeneous) and patch (= five patches).
I got the comment to use a nested ANOVA, since patches within a  
metacommunity are not independent due to connection via dispersal.

So, I used following code: model2<-aov(biov~disp*treat+patch/treat,  
data=loc28) but I guess this is not the right way, since disp and  
treat are both independent factors and nested in patch.

I would appreciate if someone has an idea to solve this problem or can  
recommend another package.

Cheers, Nils

Nils Gülzow

Müllerstr. 21
26384 Wilhelmshaven
Tel.: 04421/3597682

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