Dear Jonas,
I've just had a look into the paper (Friberg et al (2013)), but there is no information on what kind of ordination they used (at least it is very well hidden). Hard to believe, maybe I am wrong, but can't find anything about that. And they used different ordination techniques to visualise the groups with regard to the results of 'adonis()' and 'betadisper()' - compare Fig.1 and Fig. 2. Maybe that brought the confusion.

The thing is that 'adonis()' tells you, whether the groups consistently differ in their community composition, and then it's up to you to chose an ordination technique to visualize the groups. Probably that would be an ordination that approximates the same distances used in 'adonis()' (or 'betadisper()'). The plot method of 'betadisper()' uses Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA), which you can use to visualize the results of 'adonis()' as well (as Gavin and Jari pointed out) or do it by your own or choose another ordination technique.

A small example with PCoA:

## taken from ?betadisper:

# create the dist object
dis <- vegdist(varespec)

# create grouping variable; First 16 sites grazed, remaining 8 sites ungrazed groups <- factor(c(rep(1,16), rep(2,8)), labels = c("grazed","ungrazed"))

# Calculate multivariate dispersions
mod <- betadisper(dis, groups)

# Plot PCoA ordination with differentiated groups = visualize the dispersions of groups in 2D ordination space

## now create the same plot on my own (though with different graphic parameters)
# calculate the PCoA ordination sites' scores
pcoa<- cmdscale(dis)
# plot them with different symbols for groups
plot(pcoa, asp=1)
# and add spiders and hulls
ordispider(pcoa, groups)
ordihull(pcoa, groups)

If I am wrong in any point, will be glad if someone corrects me.

Dne 2013-08-09 19:25, Gavin Simpson napsal:
What Jari meant was if you use `betadisper()` on your data then it will give you an object that has a `plot()` method which will give you something of relevance to what `adonis()` and the whole PERMANOVA method is doing. It
plots the groups centroids and dispersions of the groups in principal
coordinates space. I don't have easy access to that journal at the minute,
but will look when I get back from this conference next week.

You can see how `betadisper` and its `plot` method works in the mean time
if you want to customise how things are plotted.


On 9 August 2013 06:54, <> wrote:

Hi all

I'd like to plot my results from adonis (vegan). Internet searches found me an older post here in which Jari Oksanen wrote: "adonis() does not have
plot method, but  you can use betadisper for plots." But I'm afraid I
don't understand how to do it this way.

How can I a) make a plot of adonis results? b) manipulate the layout of
adonis/betadispers figures to my liking?
My main inspiration for both adonis and betadispers results plotting is Friberg et al (2013) Hydrol. Process. 27, 734?740, so I'd like to be able
to produce something similar.


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