
The first thing to do is str(yourdata) to double-check that your data
import worked as expected. Particularly check that your data column isn't
actually of mode factor.

If that doesn't give you a lead on solving the problem, posting a
reproducible example here with a subset of your data provided using dput()
and the actual code you used will get you concrete answers, rather than
random guesses.


On Sunday, August 25, 2013, Adam Fawcett wrote:

> Have been trying to analyse life history data collected from a long term
> mark-recapture study of birds using the package mra. While the analysis
> works fine on the supplied example dataset, I keep getting error messages
> when running my data thru the F.cjs.estim function. Error message states
> that the data for this analysis must be either 1, 2 or0's. Have triple
> checked my data and its all 1 & 0's as required.
> Problems is likely to be an issue with either the read.table function to
> import my data (all correctly formatted and transformed ready for the
> analysis, possibly adding a character I have been able to remove, or with
> the mra package itself.
> Does anyone have experience using mra that could lend some advice.
> Alternatively, has anyone struck this sort of problem before that could
> suggest how to correct the problem.
> -

Sarah Goslee

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