Dear all, 
I would like to implement a null model to test if nestedness of a matrix 
departs from chance. There is an example in package "bipartite" with the 
function "nullmodel":

obs <- unlist(networklevel(web, index="weighted NODF"))
nulls <- nullmodel(web, N=100, method=1)
null <- unlist(sapply(nulls , networklevel, index="weighted NODF"))

This works well, however, I have the impress that prior to apply the function 
"networklevel", the initial matrix is being reordered to achieve maximal 
However, I don't want my matrix to be reordered, but I did not manage to find 
how to specify it. In the package vegan, there is the function nestednodf with 
option "order=FALSE", but I could not implement a null model based on this 
function (because the output contain multiple attributes).

Any help welcomed

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