On 27-Sep-13, at 12:32 PM, shylock holmes wrote:

Hi all - I have been looking on-line for an answer but cannot find one thus far, and was hoping anyone could be so kind to assist with some suggestions.

I have biological data of body size (y) over time (x), and after a preliminary inspection using a scatter plot the data suggest the body size is declining. I used a linear regression to confirm this, however, now I would like to examine what sort of underlying regression equation I can use to describe this decline, i.e., how do I get the parameters for the equation and for a more fitting curve (better than the loess)? I could not find anything online on this so far.

The curve is what I call a "reversed growth curve", and I also would like to examine at what year the decline is 5% or greater from the horizontal/asymptote (if that makes sense)......

To get a meaningful answer you will probably have to specify more clearly the constraints on what you are doing. For example, if you use a linear regression, *every* year will have the same slope. If I understand your question, the answer will depend sensitively on the type of curve that you fit.

This is not really an R question, and you might want to consult a statistician, or take a look at Ben Bolker's or Frank Harrell's books on regression modeling.

thank you for any suggestions on this......m
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Don McKenzie, Research Ecologist
Pacific Wildland Fire Sciences Lab
US Forest Service
phone: 206-732-7824

Affiliate Professor
School of Environmental and Forest Sciences
University of Washington

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