Dear all,
I am running a catch rate estandardization of fishery dependent data 
using a ZINB model with an offset like this:

 >globalM<-zeroinfl(Ntot~offset(log(Effort))+ year+zone+year:zone+day | 
 > dist="negbin",link="logit",data=DAT)

I am exploring model averaging methods with the MuMIn library 
(MuMIn_1.13.4 in R version 3.1.2).
To date I was able to obtain model averaging estimates of model 
parameters doing the following:

 >sfM1 <- dredge(globalM,fixed="count_offset(log(Effort))")
 >avgmod.95p <- model.avg(sfM1, cumsum(weight) <= .95)
 >avgm <- model.avg(sfM1, cumsum(weight) <= .95)

But I am getting problems with predict function.
Until I understood the function predict(object,..) needs the "modelList" 
attribute stored in the "model.selection" object and this should be done 
with the function get.models().
But, this is the error message that I have got when :

 >confset.95p <- get.models(sfM1, cumsum(weight) <= .95,fit=TRUE)
         Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) :
               argument "offset" is missing, with no default

Any help with this? I would really appreciate it.
Many thanks,


*Alexandre Alonso Fernández, PhD*
Institute of Marine Research, IIM-CSIC

Departamentof Marine Ecology and Resources
Fisheries Ecology unit


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