Hello all,

I am working with some mark-recapture data using the RCapture package in R and 
would be extremely grateful for any help regarding this matter. We have 4 
sampling time periods and the setup for the data looks like this:

p1      p2      p3      p4      freq
0       0       0       1       1
0       0       1       0       9
0       0       1       1       0
0       1       0       0       10
0       1       0       1       0
0       1       1       0       7
0       1       1       1       3
1       0       0       0       13
1       0       0       1       0
1       0       1       0       0
1       0       1       1       0
1       1       0       0       5
1       1       0       1       0
1       1       1       0       1
1       1       1       1       0

I ran the data using the code: 
op1=openp(terp, dfreq=TRUE)

The code ran just fine, but the output looks off to me, and I am wondering if 
we had too small of a sample size? Why would the capture probabilities be 100%? 
Why would the abundances have no error estimates? Why would the total number 
who have ever inhabited the area by exactly equal to the sum of the frequencies 
in the input data? I appreciate any and all help!

> op1

Model fit:
deviance      df        AIC
fitted model     6.984       6     51.891

Test for trap effect:
                                   deviance      df        AIC
model with homogenous trap effect     6.984       5     53.891

Capture probabilities:
          estimate  stderr
period 1        --      --
period 2         1       0
period 3         1       0
period 4        --      --

Survival probabilities:
               estimate  stderr
period 1 -> 2    0.3158  0.1066
period 2 -> 3    0.4231  0.0969
period 3 -> 4        --      --

          estimate  stderr
period 1        --      --
period 2        26       0
period 3        20       0
period 4        --      --

Number of new arrivals:
               estimate  stderr
period 1 -> 2        --      --
period 2 -> 3         9       3
period 3 -> 4        --      --

Total number of units who ever inhabited the survey area:
             estimate  stderr
all periods        49       0

Total number of captured units: 49
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