Do you know how to fix this error? It hapens when I try to get the raster
and convert do ASC (because it is a maxent demand)

>bio1 <- "D:/biorecortadobrasil/biobio1.tif"
>stackbios <- stack(bio1) #stackeando os arquivos
>rasterstackbios <- raster(stackbios)
>agregrasterstackbios <- aggregate(rasterstackbios, fact=2)  ## By default
aggregates using mean, but see fun=
>writeRaster(agregrasterstackbios, "D:/biorecortadobrasil/asc/outfile.asc",
format="ascii", overwrite=TRUE)

Warning message:In .local(x, filename, ...) : all cell values are NA

2016-10-12 4:44 GMT-06:00 Bjorn <>:

> Hi all,
> there might be a simple solution to do this, but I don't seem to manage to
> find it. I have done a PCA using vegan. I now want to create a biplot with
> only those species that explain a certain (cumulative) amount of the
> variation along the first 2 PC axes (in order to keep things clear). How
> could this be done?
> Thanks in advance!
> Kind regards,
> Bjorn
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