Dear Andrew,

if i understand your code correctly, you first find a signifant rda(abund~dist), confirmed by NMDS ordination, but then you cannot find significant correlation between the residuals of a linear model (abund~dist).

You may want to have a look at Dray et al 2012 "Community ecology in the age of multivariate multiscale spatial analysis", especially their Figure 1. They distuingish between "spatial structure", "spatial dependence", and "spatial autocorrelation", the latter sometimes referred to as "residual Spatial autocorrelation". As far as i have understood the literature, datasets may exhibit spatial trends, but may not feature autocorrelation, and vice versa, and sometimes the range of the residual autocorrelation
is larger than the study site and may be mixed up with spatial trends.
I hope this helps.


Zitat von Andrew Halford <>:

Hi Listers,

I am trying to better understand how spatial autocorrelation is determined.
I have attached 2 txt files one is a fish species x sites abundance table
and the other is a distance file with the lat and longs for each site
(converted to cartesian coords). I have run the tests for spatial
correlation using the methodology from the Borcard et al. Use R! book.

The result was no significant spatial correlation. However an nmds
ordination of the fish data shows 3 very strongly clustered groups of sites
which corresponds to 3 oceanic islands. A permutation analysis of the fish
resemblance matrix with a distance matrix was also highly significant with
a rho=0.646 spearmans rank correlation. To my mind I would have thought
that with such strong groupings in the data that spatial correlation would
be present at the scale of islands? Can someone help me explain this result?

My analysis below

fish_hellinger <- decostand (fish,"hellinger")
fish.xy # spatial dataset space_ed.txt

#test for overall trend
lineartest <- anova(rda(fish_hellinger,fish.xy))

Permutation test for rda under reduced model

Model: rda(X = fish_hellinger, Y = fish.xy)
         Df     Var      F N.Perm Pr(>F)
Model     2 0.17148 8.6098    199  0.005 ** ##significant linear trend
Residual 14 0.13942
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

 # fit linear trend to the fish data and then extract residuals for
subsequent use in spatial analysis
fish_hellinger_detrended <- resid(lm(as.matrix(fish_hellinger)~

# make a distance matrix from the residuals data for input to the
correlogram call
fish_hellinger_D1 <- dist(fish_hellinger_detrended)

# perform the mantel-based test for spatial correlation
(fish_correlogram <-

Mantel Correlogram Analysis


mantel.correlog( = fish_hellinger_D1, XY = fish.xy, nperm = 99)

        class.index      n.dist  Mantel.cor Pr(Mantel) Pr(corrected)   118.013676  462.000000   -0.042424       0.11          0.11   352.037024    0.000000          NA         NA            NA   586.060371    0.000000          NA         NA            NA   820.083719    0.000000          NA         NA            NA  1054.107067  384.000000    0.033639       0.30            NA  1288.130414    0.000000          NA         NA            NA  1522.153762    0.000000          NA         NA            NA  1756.177109  320.000000          NA         NA            NA  1990.200457    0.000000          NA         NA            NA 2224.223804    0.000000          NA         NA            NA 2458.247152  240.000000          NA         NA            NA

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