---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alexandre F. Souza <alexsouza.cb.ufrn...@gmail.com>
Date: 2018-06-23 7:04 GMT-03:00
Subject: Is stepacross a must?
To: Lista de discussao R-sig-ecology <r-sig-ecology@r-project.org>

Dear friends,

I am in deep doubt regarding whether or not to apply vegan'a stepacross
function to my dissimilarity matrix. The matrix is a simpson dissimilarity
matrix with 665 rows reflecting beta diversity between localities along the
brazilian atlantic florest, with over 4000 species most of which are
singletons. They were retained for biological reasons.

We are appying a community modelling approach with k-means in order to find
the best number of clusters this dataset can be divided. The problem is
that we are obtaining quite different results with or without applying the
stepacross function. According to Tuomisto et al. 2012:

..."the stepacross
method or extended dissimilarities (Williamson 1978,
De’ath 1999), originally developed to improve the performance
of ordination. Th e aim is to fi nd the shortest path
between sites that do not share any species by using intermediate
sites as stepping-stones. The process replaces all saturated
dissimilarity values (or any dissimilarities larger than
a specifi ed threshold value) with new values that can exceed
unity. The new values can be as large as is necessary to reflect the amount
of compositional heterogeneity in the dataset,
so using extended dissimilarities instead of the original
ones in Mantel tests and multiple regression on dissimilarity
matrices can be expected to improve the performance of
these methods."

I reproduce the code below. Without stepacross we obtain dissimilarities by
large dominated by 1, and as many as 25 groups.
With stepacross they are more unimodal since the =1 distances were allowed
to have higher values, but as few as 6 groups! Furthermore, the final
number of groups varies more between runs with stepacross than without it.
With stepacross it seems almost to alternate between 6 and 11 groups, with
6 being more frequent.

What do you thin it would be wiser to do? I am leaning towards the
stepacross.... but I am not that sure. The help page of the function
mentions that in cases with high beta-diversity datasets stepacross must be

Thanks for any thoughts,


simpdist = recluster.dist(sp, dist = "simpson")
simp.step = stepacross(simpdist)

# Perform an ordination via Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA) with
correction for negative eigenvalues [add = T]
k=(nrow(dissimilarity_matrix)-1), eig = F, add = T, x.ret = FALSE)
pcoa_scores<-as.data.frame(ordination_output[[1]]) # Extract the PCoA
scores for each site

# Get values of the evaluation criterion (Within-Groups SS) for k varying
from 2 to 'number of sites minus 1'
sum_of_squares <- foreach(i = 2:(ncol(dissimilarity_matrix)-1),
                          .combine = 'cbind')  %dopar% { # cbind the
results of foreach
                            classification<-kmeans(pcoa_scores, i,
iter.max=1000, nstart=100)#usar inter.max=1000 e nstart=100
                            classification$tot.withinss} # the
Within-Groups SS for k=i
y<-t(as.matrix(sum_of_squares)) # convert Within-Group SS to a vector (y
for piecewise regressions)
x<-c(2:(ncol(dissimilarity_matrix)-1)) # number of clusters (x for
piecewise regressions)

# Create an empty matrix to receive the values of 'max-k entered a priori'
and the respective 'optimal k selected'
initial_kmax<-c(4:ncol(dissimilarity_matrix)) # At least 4 points to
produce two lines (L-method)
cluster_results<-cbind(initial_kmax, c(NA)) # Dataframe to receive values
of the breakpoints

# Perform multiple piecewise regression varying the max-k entered a priori
from 4 to 'number of sites'
for (j in 4:ncol(dissimilarity_matrix)){ # the maximum number of 'k'
established a priori
  y_selected<-y[1:j] # Limit the number of starting points (y axis)
  x_selected<-x[1:j] # Limit the number of starting points (x axis)
  find_the_knee <- foreach(i = 2:(j-1), # calculate the RSE for all
possible breakpoints (i) when starting with k-max = j
                           .combine = 'cbind')  %dopar% { #

+ x_selected*(x_selected>=i))
                             summary(piecewise_k)[6]} # print the RSE for
each piecewise regression
  find_the_knee<-c(do.call("cbind",find_the_knee)) # convert the previous
output (list) to vector
  knee_found<-as.data.frame(cbind(c(2:(j-1)), find_the_knee)) # combine
position of breakpoint and RSE value
  names(knee_found)<-c("breakpoint", "RSE") # rename
  knee_found<-na.omit(knee_found) # remove NaN values
  k_number<-knee_found[which(knee_found$RSE==min(knee_found$RSE)),1] #
select breakpoint that minimizes RSE
  cluster_results[(j-3),2]<-k_number} # print the maximum number of initial
groups (j) and the respective selected breakpoint (k)
(Sys.time()-a) # How long it takes?

# STEP 3 Inspect the variation in the values of optimal 'k' and identify
the most frequent 'k'

# Identify the most frequent 'k' (math-mode)
optimal_k # what is the most frequent value?
hist(most_frequent_k, n=50, ylab="Frequency of k", xlab="Value of the
optimal k", main="", cex.axis=1.0, cex.lab=1.2, las=1, col="grey")

Dr. Alexandre F. Souza
Professor Adjunto IV
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
CB, Departamento de Ecologia
Campus Universitário - Lagoa Nova
59072-970 - Natal, RN - Brasil
lattes: lattes.cnpq.br/7844758818522706
orcid.org/0000-0001-7468-3631 <http://www.docente.ufrn.br/alexsouza>

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