Hello community,

I have a silly question about betadisper() output interpretation. I am
using the function betadisper() after adonis to test for homogeneity of
variances. I have used it a lot in the years but I never get to look at the
boxplots output with the necessary attention.

betadisp_res_type <-
      betadisper(vegdist(otu, method="bray"), metadata$type)

and I got this results (see attached test.png) when I run


In the ordination plot looks like the Root sample should have smaller
distances to centroids not the Soil samples as shown in the boxplot. Is is
because the PCoA is in 2D but in reality there are many layers where the
distances to the centroids might be bigger than what seen in PC1, PC2.
Am I missing something or interpreting it in a wrong way?

Thanks you very much,


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