Hi Richard,
Have you heard of the package iNEXT?
You can estimate Hill numbers (species richness, Shannon and Simpson
diversity) using individual-based abundance data or sampling-unit-based
incidence data, and it enables you to standardise by sampling coverage.

Here's a good introduction to the idea:

Hope it helps.

El lun, 26 jul 2021 a las 17:10, Richard D Sample (<rsam...@purdue.edu>)

> I am trying to calculate species richness, evenness (using Hurlbert's
> PIE), and diversity (using Shannons) for plant community data. However, my
> sampling units (eg, forest patches) vary greatly in size, and thus so does
> the sampling intensity. Therefore, I am trying to use rarefaction to better
> account for the different abundances within forest patches. I know the
> VEGAN package can calculate species richness using rarefaction, but I know
> that it does not calculate evenness, and from what I can tell it does not
> calculate Shannons in a way that uses the corrected values of richness. So
> my question is, is there an R package that can do all of this?
> To clarify, I am wanting to use PIE for evenness based on the suggestion
> by Nicholas Gotelli in his book "Null Models in Ecology", and I want to use
> Shannons for diversity based on suggestions from my graduate advisor.
> However, if there are better options I would be open to exploring these if
> they are backed by recent literature. Thanks!
> Richard Sample
> PhD Candidate
> Department of Forestry and Natural Resources
> Purdue University
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*Florencia Grattarola*
Faculty of Environmental Sciences
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

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