Online training - Computational Bayesian methods using brms in R
Where and When: Online (Zoom) - 14-18 February 2022
This course provides a relatively accessible and technically non-demanding 
introduction to the basic workflow for fitting different kinds of linear models 
using a powerful front-end R package for Stan called brms.
We assume familiarity with R. Participants will benefit most if they have 
previously fit linear models and linear mixed models (using lme4) in R, in any 
scientific domain. No knowledge of calculus or linear algebra is assumed, but 
basic school level mathematics knowledge is assumed (this will be quickly 
revisited in class).

have become familiar with the foundations of Bayesian inference
be able to fit a range of multiple regression models and hierarchical models 
for normally distributed data, for log-normal, and binomially distributed data.
be able to communicate the results of a Bayesian analysis
know how to select priors for their models using prior predictive checks
know how to assess the descriptive accuracy of a model using posterior 
predictive checks.Course website:

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Carlo Pecoraro, Ph.D

Physalia-courses DIRECTOR

mobile: +49 17645230846

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