Dear all,
last days to apply for our upcoming online course, "Developing R/Bioconductor 
Packages for Genomics" scheduled to take place from November 13 to November 17, 
2023. In order to foster international participation, this course will be 
conducted online, making it accessible to learners from all over the world.
Course Overview:
This course is tailored for people who are interested in enhancing their 
programmatic skills and wish to delve into the realm of R/Bioconductor package 
development. Throughout the course, you will gain a comprehensive understanding 
of package development, learn key theory concepts, explore the Bioconductor 
ecosystem, and acquire practical skills through demonstrations and exercises.
Course Format:
The course spans five days and features a combination of formal lectures, 
practical examples, and hands-on exercises. Our daily schedule includes:
Formal lectures to provide you with the essential theory for R/Bioconductor 
package development (approximately 2 hours each day).
Practical examples to help you apply your knowledge to real-life R/Bioconductor 
package development.
Guided exercises to practice your package development skills, with hints and 
solutions provided.
Office hours for individualized support during exercise sessions.
A dedicated Slack channel for questions and discussions.
Target Audience and Assumed Background:
This course is suitable for experimentalists looking to deepen their knowledge 
of the R/Bioconductor ecosystem and computational biologists seeking to expand 
their coding skills. Familiarity with the R environment is recommended to make 
the most of this course.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
Leverage Bioconductor principles of interoperability.
Write sets of interconnected functions for genomic data.
Document and test functions.
Manage package dependencies and versions.
Implement package continuous integration.
Create a dedicated website for your package.
Successfully submit, release, and maintain your package.
Disseminate your package, including publishing it.
Course Program:
Day 1: Writing functions, Introduction to package building, Local development 
with devtools, Introduction to Github Actions and Continuous Integration.
Day 2: Documenting functions, Testing functions and package, Managing 
dependencies & namespace.
Day 3: Introduction to Bioconductor: interoperability and other key notions, 
Creating custom Bioconductor objects, Including data in packages.
Day 4: Package vignettes: demonstrating how to use your package, 
Submitting/releasing/maintaining a Bioconductor package.
Day 5: Other types of Bioconductor packages: datasets, workflows, Disseminating 
your package: package support website, JOSS, rOpenSci.
For more details and to register, please visit: [ ]( )[  ]( )
Best regards,

Carlo Pecoraro, Ph.D

Physalia-courses DIRECTOR

mobile: +49 17645230846

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