Dear all,
We're excited to announce our upcoming online course on Ecological Time Series 
Analysis and Forecasting in R, scheduled from May 27th to May 31st, 2024. 
Course website: [ ]( ) 
Course Overview:

Time series analysis and forecasting are essential in applied ecology, but 
traditional methods often fall short when dealing with ecological data's 
complexities. In this course, we'll delve into dynamic processes using Bayesian 
modeling software Stan, alongside packages like {mvgam} and {brms}. You'll 
learn to wrangle, visualize, and explore ecological time series, gaining 
insights and producing accurate forecasts.
Target Audience and Assumed Background:
This course is designed for those people who wish to enhance their skills in 
dynamic modeling. Participants should have some knowledge of regression and 
fluency in R programming. We'll cover the necessary concepts, making it 
accessible even for beginners.
Learning Outcomes:
1.    Understand how dynamic GLMs and GAMs work to capture both nonlinear 
covariate effects and temporal dependence2.    Be able to fit dynamic GLMs and 
GAMs in R using the {mvgam} and {brms} packages3.    Understand how to 
critique, visualize and compare fitted dynamic models4.    Know how to produce 
forecasts from dynamic models and evaluate their accuracies using probabilistic 
scoring rules

The course runs from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM Berlin time, with live lectures and 
practical sessions. Additional self-guided practicals will be available, 
allowing you to reinforce your learning at your own pace.
Course Schedule:

- Monday: Introduction to time series, visualization, and traditional models.
- Tuesday: Dynamic GLMs and GAMs, autoregressive processes, Gaussian Processes.
- Wednesday: Forecasting, evaluation, Bayesian posterior predictive checks.
- Thursday: Multivariate time series, vector autoregressive processes, dynamic 
factor models.
- Friday: Extended practical examples using {mvgam}.
Best regards,

Carlo Pecoraro, Ph.D

Physalia-courses DIRECTOR

mobile: +49 17645230846

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