Dear all,
there are still a few seats available for the online course on Meta-analysis in 
R, happening in May (13-16).
Course website: [ 
]( )
This course provides an overview and introduction to modern methods for 
meta-analysis. The course covers a comprehensive overview of systematic review 
and meta-analysis processes, including problem specification, search methods, 
data extraction, quality evaluation, statistical analysis, model 
interpretation, and result presentation. It delves into parameter estimation 
for quantifying individual study results and overall literature findings. 
Additionally, it explores how statistical artifacts can affect study 
consistency and methods to mitigate biases using random-effects meta-analysis 
and meta-regression. Participants will learn about moderator analysis, 
interpretation of average effects, and corrections for various statistical 
artifacts. The course also addresses model diagnostics, sensitivity analyses, 
and modern techniques for detecting publication bias. Finally, it discusses 
meta-analysis within the broader context of systematic review, emphasizing 
principles for reliable, transp
 arent, and reproducible research. Through a blend of lectures, hands-on 
tutorials, and practice exercises using real datasets, participants will gain 
practical skills in analyzing and interpreting meta-analytic results using R 
and packages like metafor and psychmeta.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best regards,


Carlo Pecoraro, Ph.D

Physalia-courses DIRECTOR

mobile: +49 17645230846

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