
With all the buzz around R Markdown, has anyone yet experimented with
getting  R Markdown files to automatically run, convert to html as usual
and then attach / run in-line on an email and send it?

I wasn't aware of any buzz :-) But seriously, as you mentioned yourself, this is not really a finance question. So you may get better answers on R-help.

I don't use Markdown; but still, some thoughts/pointers:

(1) To borrow Perl's slogan, there is more than one way to do it. And this is definitely the rule here: just find some setup that works for you. In the end, you will anyway collect all pieces in a script, ie, a batch file on Windows. The Task Scheduler accepts such batch files. (If you want complete automation, you will also want to think about error-handling: "Hm, you want me to send this file, but it is more than 24h old.")

I wouldn't expect to do everything in R; there are many incredibly-useful tools that can be run from the command line, even on Windows (as an example, I use Sweave to automatically create tex-files; tex-files could be transformed into HTML via tools like Pandoc).

You may also want to have a look at the CRAN Task View for Reproducible Research.

(2) You will run R non-interactively, so have a look at the documentation of RScript and R CMD BATCH.

(3) You can send e-mails from the command line on Windows with programmes like Blat ( http://www.blat.net/ ). This may also allow you to send HTML mails, but I wouldn't know: I only send and read plain-text mails, ie, the format that this mailing list expects.


I think I can put this together with a cron job, but i'd be interested
in thoughts on running this via task Scheduler on Win 7; so far I've not
found a way of getting Task Scheduler to associate .Rmd files with R.

Ideally, what I'm trying to achieve is, at a given time of day (say 6am):

   * Launch R
   * Run `xyz.Rmd`
   * Take the standard output (`xyz.html') and use in the body of an
     email (or, at least, have an attachment of the html)
   * Send the email

Any thoughts very much appreciated. I know this isn't strictly finance,
but I can imagine the finance community probably has the most amount of
use for something like this on a daily basis (emailing automated
analysis to yourself / desk etc)


Enrico Schumann
Lucerne, Switzerland

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