Take a look at the solution proposed here ->

Basically, package 'data.table' provides a function called 'fread' which is
significantly faster than other read options. I am using it for different
tasks and I can confirm that it is fast.

Best regards,

On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 4:47 PM, Steve Greiner <sgrei...@factset.com> wrote:

> Okay, I've had it!!!..   Every time I read in a dataset using something
> like:
> returnmatrix = read.csv("S&P.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",")
> It comes back with "returnmatrix" as mode list.   How can I quickly
> convert the dataset to mode numerical?   This is pissing me off.  I can do
> it manually by creating a new matrix and assigning values of the list
> matrix to the values of the numerical matrix element by element, but it's
> time consuming.  What can anybody recommend me?
> Steve
> Steven P. Greiner, Ph.D.
> Director of Portfolio Risk
> FactSet Research Systems, Inc.
> sgrei...@factset.com
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