Example is always good to include in your question…  

Anyways, you do not just take logarithm. First of all you want time series to 
be stationary. This can be achieved in 2 ways:

1. Fit the trend (fit line, polynomial or anything you want) and seasonality 
(if exists)
3. Filtering
2. First differencing

Then do your ARMA analysis of residuals.

If we are talking about stock prices, then you can not really fit the trend for 
any forecasting purposes as stock price is a random process meaning that trend 
will not tell much.

For financial time series standard procedure is log-returns. It is not simple 
logarithm, it is differences of logarithms.

Kind regards,--  
Dominykas Grigonis

On Thursday, 15 May 2014 at 19:32, Christofer Bogaso wrote:

> Hi again,
> My question is not directly related to R, but I still hope to get some
> quality feedback on my question.
> In a typical time series analysis, we generally take logarithm of the
> underlying variable and then fit models like ARIMA etc on that transformed
> variable. This has a related benefit to getting linear trend for model
> variable instead of quadratic
> This essentially assumes that, the variable under study is strictly
> positive. However what if my variable is mix of positive, zero, and
> negative? would it then make sense to fit model on the raw variable without
> transforming it anyway?
> Is anybody aware of any standard policy to handle such situation?
> Thanks for your input.
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