Matevz, try

z$class = factor(apply(cbind(z$dva.pred, z$ena.pred, z$nic.pred,
        z$stiri.pred, z$tri.pred), 1, which.max),
        labels=c("dva", "ena", "nic", "stiri", "tri"))

On 07/24/2011 06:22 PM, Matevž Pavlič wrote:
> Hi list users, 
> i am trying to do indicator kriging on a set of soild samples. 
> I manage to do the predction of several classes  into a  
> "SpatialPixelsDataFrame" using the gstat object and predict() function. First 
> a created a  gstat object of several soil classes which I later fitted with a 
> linear model of coregonalization. 
> After that i used predict() to generate a SpatialPixelsDataFrame which hold 
> information about predictions, variance and covariances. 
> I am mostly interested in predoctions of each class. I know how to create a 
> spplot or levelplot of each of the predicted classes on its own, but what i 
> would like to achieve is to create a map of this predictions, so that the 
> class with highest value (from 0-1) would prevail on each of the grid cell. 
> In this way i would get a map of soil classes. 
> Attached is the reproducible sample and a picture of prediction that i would 
> like covert to a map of Soil classes (SoilFactor). But i get stuck when i try 
> to create a actual map. That means getting the max value of each pixels and 
> assign a name to that pixel.
> I hope i explained ok, if not i'll try again. 
> Thanks for any ideas or help, m
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Edzer Pebesma
Institute for Geoinformatics (ifgi), University of Münster
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