Hi Mathieu,

the idea behind stplot is indeed that it should be as easy as spplot,
hence its name. This idea is however much easier than practice, as the
number of possible (and useful) plots for S/T data might be quite large.

I would be helpful if you could provide (or generate) a simple data set
of your type (STIDF), explain what it represents, and tell how you'd
want it to be plotted. Does stplot(ciotat.t) give what you want, i.e. is
passing the sp.layout the only problem?

Best regards,

On 08/25/2011 10:12 AM, Mathieu Rajerison wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a STIDF points object named ciotat.t that I've tried to plot with a
> city contour named contour.
> I tried this but it doesn't work:
>> stplot(ciotat.t, sp.layout= list("sp.lines", contour))
> Also, this doesn't work:
>> stplot(ciotat.t, panel=function(...) {
>    sp.lines(contour)
>    panel.pointsplot(...)
>  })
> I thought it was as easy as with spplot.The documentation tells that
> arguments are passed on to spplot in case of stplot.STFDF, and to xyplot in
> case of
> stplot.STIDF. So, the method may be a little different in my case (STIDF)?
> Any help would be appreciated,
> Mathieu
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Edzer Pebesma
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