The issue is with difficulties in cross-platform support. There is no
CRAN binary for ncdf4, while these are available for ncdf and RNetCDF
(thanks to Prof. Brian Ripley).

Cheers, Mike.

On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 11:30 AM, Thiago Veloso <> wrote:
>   Dear all (especially Robert),
>   I have been reading the documentation of package "ncdf" and I found out 
> that it is now deprecated. David Pierce released "ncdf4", which contains 
> essentially the same features of old ncdf, but supporting netCDF version 4.
>   In order to keep up-to-date with the current netcdf specifications, "ncdf" 
> depedency could be replaced by "ncdf4" when dealing with netcdf files. This 
> would demand some extra effort (as the functions have new names), but I think 
> the benefits may worth it.
>   Just a suggestion, Robert. Nothing that jeopardises "raster" glamour!
>   Best wishes,
>   Thiago.
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Hobart, Australia

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