[forgot to copy the list]


You need to install gdal following the usual procedure for your linux
distro, possibly like this:

sudo apt-get install proj
sudo apt-get install gdal-bin


On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 5:05 PM, Alexandre Santos
<alexandresanto...@yahoo.com.br> wrote:
> Dear members list,
>     I
> try to subset a Landsat geotiff image with the lssub(
> ) function in
> a landasat package, but always done: gdalinfo: not found error. I make:
> band5.sample<-lssub("LANDSAT_5_TM_20100506_217_074_L2_BAND5.tif",
> "subimage.tif", centerx = 773810, centery = 7841515,
> centerepsg=29193,widthx = 100, widthy = 100)
> sh:
> 1: gdalinfo: not found
> Error
> in system(paste("gdalinfo ", filename, sep = ""),
> intern = TRUE)
> There
> are any member group that uses the landsat package that helps me. I
> use Ubuntu OS Ubuntu 12.04 and R 3.0.0
> Thanks,
> Alexandre
> Santos

Sarah Goslee

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