Hi folks,
I write in order to know if there is a solution to the following spatial 
sampling problem:
I have a polygon that is not ordered; however, I know the "links" (or edges) 
between points;
I need to sample 2000 points within the polygon. Using spsample() and Polygon() 
I need an ordered polygon which is not the case.
I tried to use the links information in order to dynamically (and generalizing 
the problem) obtain the correct
order but I did'nt get effective solution. I dont want an "estimate" of the 
hull from points or other heuristic strategies; I want to use the links info in 
order to properly sort my points.
Here below a fully reproducible example.

text(pol[,1],pol[,2],c(1:nrow(pol))) ### as you can see the polygon is not 
for(i in 1:nrow(links)){
} # Fortunately I will have always these links
#### now I would like to sampling,regularly, say 2000 points in the polygon
points(sfe1@coords) ###  of course this is not what I want.
####  using an "ad hoc" ordering
correct<-c(1,2,6,5,11,12,13,15,16,14,10,9,8,7,4,3) ## this is just an "ad hoc" 
solution; I need to generalize using the links information
points(sfe1@coords,col=2,pch=19,cex=0.3) ### this is what I want.

This is an ad hoc solution; as I will have many different polygons (thounsed) 
and all different (some very irregular) but always with links information I 
would like to know if there is a solution to get the correct order using links.
Thanks in advance for any advice
All the best

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