
set.seed(123) on each run thru will (should) result in reproducibility.

pred <- predict(


On Oct 27, 2016 7:19 PM, "Katherine Ransom" <lockhart.kather...@gmail.com>
> Hi All,
> I am having trouble reproducing my results exactly when I make predictions
> with predict() and a saved gbm model object. Each time I run predict()
> the same model object and inputs (a raster stack), I get slightly
> values (max value within 0.7 for a range of predictions from 0.08 to 12.30
> for example). However, there seems to be a limited amount of outcomes. For
> example, I can get the results to reproduce if I run predict enough times.
> The issue seems to be within the predict() function as it doesn't seem to
> be related to R session, loading package libraries, etc.
> Are there any random number generators or known bugs within the predict
> function that could be causing this behavior?
> Here is my code line that calls predict: pred <- predict(rstack, final,
> n.trees=final$n.trees,na.rm=TRUE,const=data.frame(WaterUse2="H"))  #
> family="gaussian"
> Not sure if I need the family = "gaussian" option. It doesn't seem to
> affect the results.
> Thank you,
> Katie
> --
> --
> Katherine Ransom
> PhD Candidate
> Hydrologic Sciences Graduate Group
> UC Davis
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