Dear Michael,

Thank you for your reply and the suggestions.

Ideally, I would like a raster from which I can extract elevation at 1° x
1° resolution. I do not have much experience with working with DEM but have
work with data such as GPW.

I will definitely look at the datasets. Could you kindly suggest one that I
could convert to raster and extract? Hope that's not a silly question.



On Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 1:51 AM, Michael Sumner <> wrote:

> Passed through? Maybe you want ?raster::extract
> There are a few versions of global elevation on CRAN, necessarily at low
> resolution but no overall summary afaik (someone should do this :).
> This is one:
> If you have the stomach for development versions of packages see elevatr:
> I tend to have the high-resolution files at hand because we use them
> constantly, the main ones are Gebco14/Gebco08 and Etopo1/Etopo2 (from
> Smith-Sandwell).
> There's a reasonable overview here, you probably should find a specific
> data set that is at the resolution you are after already, and you can cite
> its derivation for your work:
> Cheers, Mike.
> On Wed, 11 Jan 2017 at 10:20 Miluji Sb <> wrote:
>> Dear all.
>> Is there a way to download global elevation data at the 1° x 1° resolution
>> in R using a given set of coordinates?
>> I know about the getData() function but can many coordinates be passed
>> through this? Thanks!
>> Sincerely,
>> Milu
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> --
> Dr. Michael Sumner
> Software and Database Engineer
> Australian Antarctic Division
> 203 Channel Highway
> Kingston Tasmania 7050 Australia

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