Thanks Edzer!


On 02/03/2018 10:07 PM, Edzer Pebesma wrote:
> On 02/03/2018 06:10 PM, Mathieu Basille wrote:
>> Hey Edzer,
>> Just to be clear, do you mean master branches of both 'ggplot2' and 'sf' on
>> GitHub? I.e.:
>>   devtools::install_github("tidyverse/ggplot2")
>> AND
>>   devtools::install_github("r-spatial/sf")
>> or the CRAN version of 'sf' is enough?
> For sf, the CRAN version is enough.
>> Thanks!
>> Mathieu.
>> On 02/03/2018 05:48 PM, Edzer Pebesma wrote:
>>> On 02/03/2018 01:33 PM, Ege Rubak wrote:
>>> For both packages it is
>>> install_github("tidyverse/ggplot2")
>>> This is one the more frequently asked question here, at rstudio::conf,
>>> too, I noticed; Hadley seems to be aware, but is also pretty much
>>> involved in the conference right now.
>>> Regards,


Mathieu Basille |
+1 954-577-6314 | University of Florida FLREC

  « Le tout est de tout dire, et je manque de mots
  Et je manque de temps, et je manque d'audace. »
  — Paul Éluard

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