On Tue, Feb 20, 2018 at 3:13 PM, Dr. Benedikt Gräler <b.grae...@52north.org>

> Dear Barry,
> I am not quite sure what you are targetting at:
> i) a solution to expose (geo) R functionality as a WPS on the web or
> ii) a R package to ease the access to an exposed WPS.
> Regarding i), there is WPS4R (as a follow-up on the UseR! abstract;
> available as part of the 52°North WPS bundle [1]) where annotated R scripts
> can automatically be wrapped in a WPS process and exposed on the web (a
> tutorial can be found here [2]).
> In terms of ii), I am not aware of any existing solution, but would be
> interested to contribute; possibly also as a GSoC project (I'll sketch the
> idea on the 52N's GSoC 2018 project page [3]).

I'm currently more interested in a WPS client for R, to call WPS services.

I think if I wanted to implement a WPS service in R I'd probably hook into
pywps, but that's just my python bias against a java solution! I admit the
52N solution looks pretty neat (annotate an R script and there you have it).



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