The graphics parameters are all in the help file for par

The one you need is las.

Without trying to wade thru your mangled HTML data (dput() is the best
way to provide reproducible data), check this out:

barplot(runif(5), names.arg = c("25/08/2004", "26/09/2004",
"02/11/2004", "11/11/2004", "22/11/2004"), main = 'Females 2005', ylab
= ' Age/Days', xlab = 'Birth/Hatch date', las=2)

You'll need to mess with label positioning, and with margin size, to
get everything looking as you wish.

But I'm not sure this is the most effective way to show
irregularly-spaced dates. Why not convert your dates to Date or other
time series, and plot them to scale as points?

On Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 6:25 AM Vasana Tutjavi via R-sig-Geo
<> wrote:
> Dear R-sig-geo experts,
> I want to plot a bar graph with the labels on the x axis in a vertical 
> format. The data is the Ages of Squid (on the Y axis) and the date of Birth 
> on the X axis, I am struggling to change the labels on the x axis to a 
> vertical format and I want all the dates to show at all the bars. My data is 
> as follows:
> Birth
> Sex
> Age
> 25/08/2004
> F
> 2
> 26/09/2004
> F
> 3
> 02/11/2004
> F
> 3
> 11/11/2004
> F
> 1
> 22/11/2004
> F
> 3
> 04/12/2004
> F
> 1
> 08/12/2004
> F
> 4
> 15/12/2004
> F
> 4
> 21/12/2004
> F
> 5
> 24/12/2004
> F
> 1
> 04/01/2005
> F
> 1
> 06/01/2005
> F
> 3
> 13/01/2005
> F
> 2
> 18/01/2005
> F
> 1
> 19/01/2005
> F
> 3
> 09/02/2005
> F
> 2
> 11/02/2005
> F
> 1
> 13/02/2005
> F
> 1
> 17/02/2005
> F
> 1
> 18/02/2005
> F
> 8
> 19/02/2005
> F
> 5
> 24/02/2005
> F
> 1
> 28/02/2005
> F
> 42
> 01/03/2005
> F
> 1
> 07/03/2005
> F
> 1
> 08/03/2005
> F
> 2
> 09/03/2005
> F
> 1
> 14/03/2005
> F
> 7
> 16/03/2005
> F
> 1
> 25/03/2005
> F
> 3
> 01/04/2005
> F
> 1
> 06/04/2005
> F
> 5
> 07/04/2005
> F
> 1
> 08/04/2005
> F
> 1
> 13/04/2005
> F
> 1
> 14/04/2005
> F
> 1
> 27/04/2005
> F
> 1
> 01/05/2005
> F
> 2
> 07/05/2005
> F
> 1
> 08/05/2005
> F
> 2
> 16/05/2005
> F
> 1
> 30/05/2005
> F
> 8
> 06/06/2005
> F
> 1
> Here is the script I tried:
> barplot(Females2005$Age,  names.arg = c("25/08/2004", "26/09/2004", 
> "02/11/2004", "11/11/2004", "22/11/2004", "04/12/2004", "08/12/2004",
>                                        "15/12/2004", "21/12/2004", 
> "24/12/2004", "04/01/2005", "06/01/2005", "13/01/2005", "18/01/2005",
>                                        "19/01/2005", "09/02/2005", 
> "11/02/2005", "13/02/2005", "17/02/2005", "18/02/2005", "19/02/2005",
>                                       "24/02/2005", "28/02/2005", 
> "01/03/2005", "07/03/2005", "08/03/2005", "09/03/2005", "14/03/2005",
>                                     "16/03/2005", "25/03/2005", "01/04/2005", 
> "06/04/2005", "07/04/2005", "08/04/2005", "13/04/2005",
>                                       "14/04/2005", "27/04/2005", 
> "01/05/2005", "07/05/2005", "08/05/2005", "16/05/2005", "30/05/2005",
>                                     "06/06/2005"), main = 'Females 2005', 
> ylab = 'Age/Days', xlab = 'Birth/Hatch date')
> Many thanks
> Vasana
> Sent from Mail for Windows 10
>         [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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