> On 16-03-2015, at 17:25, John Fox <j...@mcmaster.ca> wrote:
> Dear Simon,
> Thanks for this, and to the others who responded to my question. The FAQ and 
> Matt Denwood's response jogged my memory, and reminded me that I encountered 
> this problem before.
> In this case, I don't see a good solution, but I'll think about the problem 
> some more. 
> Without providing too many tedious details, the development version of the 
> Rcmdr package checks at startup what resources are available to it, including 
> pdflatex, and configures itself accordingly. Having inexperienced users edit, 
> e.g., their .Renviron files is probably a non-starter. The Rcmdr could offer 
> to do this at the user's option (it already provides dialogs that guide the 
> user to locations of missing software like LaTeX and pandoc), but I'd still 
> have to be able to figure out whether pdflatex is available and if so where 
> it's located.
> Ian Gow suggested using locate, but I apparently can't rely on a locate 
> database having been compiled -- it wasn't on my Mac -- and the overhead of 
> compiling the locate db is excessive for a start-up check.
> Again, thanks for explaining the problem.

For what it’s worth: I have the following code in the .First function in 
(R 3.1.3 on OS X Yosemite)

    if( .Platform$GUI == "AQUA" ) {
        # this appends /usr/local/bin to what is already in PATH
        # by default this is already in PATH (at least in 10.6.8)
        # so remove any duplicated items
        z <- Sys.getenv("PATH")
        z <- unlist(strsplit(z,.Platform$path.sep,fixed=TRUE))
        # add path to MacTeX executables for OS X Yosemite (which has a bug)
        # in Terminal it is added automatically
        z[length(z)+1] <- "/usr/texbin"


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