> On my machine OSX 10.7.5 with SL-vers of R 3.2.1, R.app GUI 1.66 (6956), the 
> cmd-right-arrow and the cmd left arrow give forward and back behavior in help.

So it is. Not having this in any menu (unlike, say, those same keys for back 
and forth in the graphics window) makes it hard to discover.

Perhaps adding menu options for  “Back” and “Forward” in the “Windows” menu, 
showing they are bound to ⌘-[ and ⌘-] would enable discovery.

Anyone have thoughts on the function-bar help size?


> I see little value in assigning this also or instead of the current behavior. 
> I discovered this by trial and error so it might be worth documenting in the 
> OSX-FAQ document, although it seemed pretty intuitive and was the first thing 
> I tried after seeing this request. (It's how Firefox is configured.)

> On Aug 15, 2015, at 6:22 AM, Tim Bates wrote:
>> A couple of minor suggestions for the mac GUI.
>> First, Could help navigation be bound to "{" and "⌘-}" respectively?
>> Second, The function help bar (bottom of the "R console” window) is very 
>> helpful, but perhaps in too small a font size.
>> The font used is also smaller than Apple chooses to use for the comparable 
>> Finder folder-trail and selection status bars.
>> Could the font size/bar height be upped a couple of points (or perhaps 
>> linked to the display font size?

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