Dear All,

I tried to search some information about this on Google, but didn't find
anything yet.
There seems to be a difference between sorting in the Terminal app and
sorting in the Rgui:

In the Terminal:

> sort(c("W", "e", "E"))
[1] "E" "W" "e"
> R.version
platform       x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0
arch           x86_64
os             darwin13.4.0
system         x86_64, darwin13.4.0
major          3
minor          2.2
year           2015
month          08
day            14
svn rev        69053
language       R
version.string R version 3.2.2 (2015-08-14)
nickname       Fire Safety

In the Rgui:

> sort(c("W", "e", "E"))
[1] "e" "E" "W"
> R.version
platform       x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0
arch           x86_64
os             darwin13.4.0
system         x86_64, darwin13.4.0
major          3
minor          2.2
year           2015
month          08
day            14
svn rev        69053
language       R
version.string R version 3.2.2 (2015-08-14)
nickname       Fire Safety

Could anyone point me to some information, please?
Best wishes,

Adrian Dusa
University of Bucharest
Romanian Social Data Archive
Soseaua Panduri nr.90
050663 Bucharest sector 5

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