On 12/01/2017 2:05 PM, Philip Cannata wrote:
Duncan, thanks for the response. Do you install it from RStudio or
command line?

I don't remember which; now it doesn't work. I get the same result as you (but for R 3.3.2).

However, install.packages("ggvis") is fine. So it looks like you had a typo in the name.

Duncan Murdoch


On 1/9/17 8:09 AM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
On 13/12/2016 7:59 PM, Philip Cannata wrote:
What's the status of ggviz, I've tried installing it on my Mac, however,
I get the following:

    Warning in install.packages :
       package ‘ggviz’ is not available (for R version 3.3.1)

It's available for a simple install on my Mac, so I'd suspect you're
using an old version of Mac OS for which packages aren't being built,
or a CRAN mirror that's not up to date.

Duncan Murdoch

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