> Am 23.02.2018 um 11:14 schrieb Keith O'Hara <keith.oh...@nyu.edu>:
> Try adding '/usr/local/lib' to DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH and 

Unfortunately setting these variables (or LD_LIBRARY_PATH) to /usr/local/lib 
does not help with the error message. 

> If that doesn't fix the problem, try modifying the install name of libaf to 
> include /usr/local/lib. Something like:
> sudo install_name_tool -id /usr/local/lib/libaf.dylib 
> /usr/local/lib/libaf.dylib
> or
> sudo install_name_tool -id /usr/local/lib/libaf.3.dylib 
> /usr/local/lib/libaf.3.dylib

This helps to some extend, similar to adding „-rpath /usr/local/lib“ to 
PKG_LIBS. I am then able to load the library. However, ArrayFire does not 
find/load its backend libraries libafcpu.dynlib and libafopencl.dynlib, which 
are also located in /usr/local/lib and therefore reports „backends: 0". This 
does not happen with the plain C program that correctly finds two available 

To make things even stranger, the above is true when I start R from the 
Terminal. When using R.app or RStudio, I can load minimal.so (even without 
rpath option or manipulating the install name)  and calling the count_backends 
function gives the correct result. 

What does R.app and RStudio to differently from R in the Terminal?

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